20 março 2008

Manfiestações em Barcelona e Andaluzia contra o Processo de Bolonha

The last 6th Mars took place demonstrations in Catalonia, organizated by the PMDUP [Plataforma Mobilitzadora en Defensa de la Universitat Pública], and in Andalussia, organizated by the Andalusian Student Coordination [photo gallery].

Biggest demonstrations took place in Seville (3.000 students in the streets) and Barcelona (with almost 10.000). In Barcelona it was a big success even if the police acted hardly against the demonstrators. In Seville there was also a strike of 24 hours and the students slept in the faculties the day before.

The organizations in Seville call for a european coordination of the fight against this privatization process and used as an example the victories of the Greek student movement against Bologna in the past.


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